ROS (Robot Operating System)

Hoffman Enterprises offers a wide range of products that are "ROS Ready." These products are proven to work in ROS and have drivers to jump start your project.

The Robot Operating System (ROS) is an open source framework for writing robotics software. ROS is a collaborative collection of tools, and libraries for a vast array of robotic platforms. This provides unparalleled flexibility to create complex and robust robotic systems.

Hoffman Enterprises has been involved in the ROS community since 2013, helping develop and maintain the framework. From introducing ROS to Fedora, maintaining the RPM repositories, or constructing cluster computing buildfarms for x86 and armhf architectures, our team has experience in every aspect of the process.

Hoffman Enterprises offers a wide range of ROS Ready devices. If you see the ROS Enabled logo on a product's page you will also find setup instructions, and drivers to use this device in ROS.