Additive & Subtractive Manufacturing

Hoffman Enterprises has been on the forefront of 3D printing since 2014. We have created specialized FDM printers capable of previously untouched speeds and sizes. Our custom delta printers have had build volumes as large as 26" x 37"! Large deltas aren't the only printers we make that have huge volumes. Many of our H-belt and gantry printers can print a full size violin in one piece!

Not only can we design a printer for you but we can print almost anything ranging from a tap for your favorite craft beer to custom automotive parts. Our 3D prints have been used in hospitals, aviation, military equipment, multi-million dollar investor pitches, and even sent to the edge of space!

Hoffman Enterprises has also entered the world of CNC machining. Many robotic platforms require custom parts in high stress areas. With our machine we can make custom steel, aluminum, and titanium parts for any robotic application.

Keeping with quality the majority of 3D prints we produce are done using materials from Verbatim a group company of Mitsubishi Chemical. We can also print other various materials and brands upon request.